Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Lo-Fi Life

I'm in one of those transition times right now. On many levels. Vascilating between lo-fi and hi-fi. Some days I find myself putzing around the house doing who knows what, and other days I'm jumping in with both feet to engage in some new work in the world. My music life is a little microcosm of this existence.

As usual, I'm years behind the curve in terms of music technology. I'm always unjustifiably conservative about converting to a new way of listening. And it's never a pretty or graceful conversion when it finally happens. So, as these things go, I'm in total music purgatory right now. I've still got hundreds of cds, records and cassette tapes hanging around, but I've also got a big ole Mac on my desk with a tiny percentage of my music collection burned onto it. Guess what I listen to? Honestly, I mostly listen to NPR, pandora.com, and sometimes kexp.org. I rarely throw on any of the music from my collection. And I've been realizing lately that I'm in a music depression, and I gotta get out of it.

So, here's the project! The Lo-Fi Life project to get me out of my music depression. Basic idea: every day I'm going to listen to one of my cds (if I pull this off, I'll move into the records and tapes someday), write a little review of it on this blog, and burn it onto my computer if I still like it. And if anyone out there is actually reading this blog, feel free to email me if you want the cd I've just reviewed, and I'll mail it to you! I really will. Just cause that sounds fun to me. I like the post office.

The end goal of the Lo-Fi Life project is to have all of my collection in digital files, and to be listening to a LOT more music, at home and out and about. Oh, and to have distributed all of my non-digital collection to deserving homes where lovely lo-fi people will actually listen to it. Did I mention that I have an iPod that I rarely use? Yeah. It's time.


Mugford said...

First comment ever on this blog! Yesssss!

I love this idea. As you know I have worshipped and coveted your collection for a decade+ :)

I think a good idea is to set iTunes to rip the tracks as mp3s (Edit menu - Preferences, General tab, click Import Settings, set "Import Using" to "MP3 Encoder". This stores them in the most flexible format, which can be used on any operating system/software. If anyone more tech-sophisticated than myself has a differing opinion I'd love to hear it! I burned most of my CD collection as AAC, which is an iTunes-only format, and I regret it since I'd have to either re-rip all those CDs or do a lossy compression to convert them to mp3.

mk13 said...

i'm so glad that dj meg is back! it's a been a while since i've been in her presence. and this time i get commentary! great idea and i look forward to the dailies...

d. said...

Excellent! I mean, I have approximately zero CDs and about as much music on my computer, but still, I'll be tuning in.